Welcome to Vienna City


The beach experience

Driving along the harbor road, spot the aesthetically pleasing Vienna City Beach behind former Standard Chartered Bank. This location is also famous for its soothing whisper of a balmy outdoor, a table-Filled feast and an invigorating tipple or two; this is the perfect brunch option for any weekend out. Dip in our lavish outdoor pool and indulge in a bottle of wine while you’re at it. Vienna City Beach is without a doubt your ideal destination for leisure and relaxation.

Vienna City Beach, La

Clean, white sands are surrounded by calm waves and crystal-clear waters. With some of the most breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean, the beach in Labadi provides opportunities for recreation, sport, or play.

Vienna City Beach, Takoradi

When you take a vacation at Vienna City Beach, you can find happiness nearby because of the relaxed pace of beach life, which will encourage you to say yes to a variety of novel activities. Here, rejuvenation is a given because you can take as much vitamin D therapy from the sun as you’d want.

Where to find us

Our beaches

Vienna City Beach

Labadi - Accra

Vienna City, Takoradi

Beach Road, Harbor Area, Takoradi